I <3 creating gelnails and today I designed a new set. I haven't done a design like this before, I just started drawing with acrylic paint and this is the result!
I did make a HUGE mistake... As you can see I put the nailart on each nail on the inside, so each stripe goes the same way and so on. I should've done the nailart on the right hand as a reflection of the left hand (see example below)
Step 1: prep
When you're doing gelnails your prep needs to be very thorough and done carefully. Spray your nails with nail dehydrate. Push back your cuticles (carefully, you don't want to hurt your client. And keep your tool flat at all times.) and scrape away the dead tissue. Then it's time to start fling your nails. Allways file one direction only, or you can harm the natural nail. Shape the nails with your file (best is a 240 grid file) and then buff the top of your natural nail with a whiteblock, or a 240 grid file. You don't need to put pressure on the file, just let it flow over the nail. DON'T file too mutch. You will file off layers of your natural nail and cause great damage. Filing is necessary as gel won't stick to a shiny surface. Now remove your dust. Now apply a little bit of prep, and let it dry. Then apply your primer round your cuticle area. (after you've done this don't touch the nails)
This nails were done on natural nails, so I didn't use tips. I'll do a tutorial on how to apply tips later.
prep, primer and cleaner |
cuticlepusher and cuticlescraper |
whiteblock |
Step 2: apply gel
1. I'm using a 1fase gel (or 123gel) so I have one type of gel for all the gellayers, and I also use a pink natural gel. Start off with one thin layer of pink gel. Apply it with your gelbrush. Just brush over your nail until your whole nail is covered with gel. Take a woodstick and remove the gel from around the nail so it won't go into your cuticles. Let it cure in a uvlamp for 2 minutes.
natural pink gel |
2. I did this nails as an infill on natural nails. If you want longer nails you'll need to use tips or forms. I'll do a tutorial on this later.
3. Apply a thicker layer of gel on your nail, and make sure you create a nice natural curve. So you'll need to apply a thicker layer behind your free edge. Clean up around the edges with your woodstick and cure for 2/3 minutes.
woodsticks |
4. Apply your blue gel. Just brush it on your nail around the free edge and try to make a nice "c-curve". You can also do this by taking a clean gelbrush and just brush the gel in the shape you want. I'll post a video about this technique later. Just try to start at the side, and brush in a circular move towards the other side. Cure for 3 minutes and then apply another coat. Cure again for 3 minutes and remove the tacky layer with gelcleanser and a wipe.
Step 3: apply clear gel
Apply 1 or 2 more layers of clear gel and clean up around the edges, cure and so on.
Step 4: file
File with a 240grid file to make sure you don't have any bumps or ridges and make it nice and smooth. Remove your dust and wipe with gelcleanser. Don't file too much because it will get hot and you can hurt your client.
![]() |
180grid and 240grid file |
dust brushes |
Step 5: nail art
Take a nice green and yellow acrylic paint and apply a little water. Take a nail art brush, best is a very thin, long brush. Take some paint and make some nice lines, they don't have to be straight. Make 2 green ones and a yellow one in the middle. The paint will dry for itself, and will take about 2minutes for it to be completely dry. Then place 2 tiny drops of glue on the side of your free edge and place your stones. On the thumb I placed a lovely flower, apply that too with a drop of glue (nail art glue!).
nail art brushes |
Step 6: apply topcoat
Apply your uv sealing topcoat nice and thin and make sure you did the whole nail. Cure it under the lamp for 3 minutes (depends on which topcoat you're using). Remove the tacky layer.
Step 7: oil
Apply some cuticle oil and some handcreme. Massage it in.
Voila, your nails are done! I hope you liked it!
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